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Nineteen obey in Port Charlotte, Florida, campaign final!

Nineteen souls obeyed the Gospel in the Florida campaign.  Fifty-nine Cadre from 15 states came to join hands with the church to win the lost in the community.

We often simply pull in and onto Wal Mart parking lots on our journeys and stay the nights before we arrive at our campaign destinations.  Fifty miles from Port Charlotte we met David and Valorie Sanders.  They had paid their rent but the owners of their house had failed to make his payments.  They ended up having their belongings thrown into the yard.  David was in the process of buying his on 35’ RV trailer.  He wanted to know who we were and what we were doing. 


David drove to Port Charlotte and began helping us set up the electrical for the other RVs coming in, those belonging to our Cadre.  What a kind gentleman he is.  Valorie was at work.


We moved their trailer onto the church parking lot at Port Charlotte and we began making some necessary repairs.  In the process, we asked David the We Care Question, “What if the Lord were to come right now?”  David obeyed the Gospel Thursday before the campaign started.


Saturday we all landed on the trailer with grinders, new propane tank, paint, vacuum cleaners and lots of soap and water!  You should have seen it.  It was like sugar ants who found a slice of cake!!  Saturday evening when Valorie arrived at her “new” home on campus and saw what she could sleep in, and no more in her car, she was stricken with joy!


Sunday morning Bill Oden sat with Valorie and David, and, so says Bill, “It was like feeding a little bird.”  Valorie soaked in the Gospel.  And as Larry was getting up to preach, in they came for Valorie to become a Christian.  And David was crying!!


What a way to begin the campaign!!


The two of them began  living with us on campus, eating with us, going out with on on teams, learning more the Gospel, learning how to share their new-found faith with others.  They had been wanting to change their lives, they had wanted the Lord!  And now they have Him!!



In the campaign Kimberli Wilson could not stop crying tears of joy!  As we circled to welcome her into God's family, she cried and laughed all at the same time!  She is what makes these efforts worth it all.  The blood of Jesus cleanses and makes our hearts rejoice! 


Gloria Korf obeyed the Gospel, then went to her friend (Christina Holmes) and repeated all she could remember about the Gospel of Jesus, and the next day brought her to the building, saying, "Cristina also wants to obey the Lord."  Ruby Oden and Tina Wygal (Cadre members) met them as Gloria brought Christina to the building at noon and went through the Good News message of Christ with Cristina and, so says Ruby, "We didn't have to cover much.  Gloria did a great job telling her the Gospel!"  And Gloria is just a day old herself?!?!  Praise God, the news is simple but POWERFUL!  If Gloria can do it, can't every Christian?


We passed the hat among ourselves and collected over $500 for one new Christian.  Through the week, we gave away groceries, clothing and furniture.  Much love identified this campaign.


Gary saw the RVs parked on the church campus.  He is so joyous he learned the Gospel he cannot stop thanking us. 

Here Gary is laughing, saying , "I drove through your parking lot two times and you didn't stop and teach me!"  Then, he commented that today he was on a street that was not even where he lived, where one of our teams found him, confronted him and taught him the Gospel.  He gives all the credit to the Lord!

Meet Kim, one happy new Christian!  "Low-hanging fruit" is what we call Kim because she was looking for the Lord. 

Kim could not stop crying tears of joy!  As we circled to welcome her into God's family, she cried and laughed all at the same time!  She is what makes these efforts worth it all.  The blood of Jesus cleanses and makes our hearts rejoice! 

"Yeaeaeaeaea!" shouted Eleanor today as she came up out of the water and into Christ! 


Before the campaign began, we met David (top left) and Valorie (top left) Sanders on the Wal Mart

parking lot. The story is below. Both are now new Christians.

As we were beginning the campaign, Bob (above middle) obeyed. His wife Trish obeyed the Sunday before

Tommy (left) taught and baptized both, using the We Care approach.




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